
Instructions for authors

SUBMISSION: Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Board by electronic mail (sc.hor@ifo.lviv.ua). In case of any ambiguities in the text and equations or insufficient quality of figures and lettering, Editorial Board may require resubmitting necessary materials in printed or electronic forms. Printed manuscripts are to be submitted by conventional mail (“Scientific Horozons”, 23 Dragomanov St., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine). Articles should be accompanied with the Warranty Form and the additional accompanying documents necessary for Ukrainian contributors, which may be sent by conventional mail, fax or electronic mail (PDF file).

PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS: Manuscripts are to be written in English, using Microsoft Word (file formats DOC or RTF). Manuscript should be arranged in the following order: title of the article, authors' names, institutions and addresses (including E-mails), abstract, keywords and PACS numbers, text, acknowledgments, appendices and references. As a rule, articles should be divided into sections (Introduction, Experimental, Results and discussion, Conclusions, etc.).

Manuscript length: The maximum length of manuscripts is 50 pages (for invited articles or reviews), 20 pages (for regular articles) and 10 pages (for short notes or letters). The text should be typed, using Times New Roman font (11-point size, 1.2-line spacing).
Margins: Top – 3.0, bottom – 4.7, left – 3.5 and right – 3.5 cm.

Abstracts: Each manuscript requires a leading abstract (less than 100–150 words) in English and Ukrainian summarising significant coverage and findings.

Keywords and UDC: Three to six keywords are required, which characterise the contents of the article, and relevant UDC numbers.

Figures: Figures may be inserted immediately into the text or gathered at the end of the article. All of them should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers, have descriptive captions and be referred to in the text. Captions should be set immediately below the figures. Figures should be prepared in a readable computer form, with the resolution not less than 600 dpi (TIFF, PCX or PS formats). Colour figures should be prepared only in TIFF format (300 dpi). Figure size should fit into 14 cm journal column width. The line thickness must be chosen on this basis and all the lettering and symbols should correspond to the text font size.

Tables: Insert tables into the text or gather them at the end of the article. Number tables consecutively with Arabic numbers and give each a clear descriptive caption at the top.
Equations: Equations should be prepared using Microsoft Equation Editor or later versions. References: Indicate references in the text by Arabic numbers enclosed in square brackets; collect and type the full list at the end of the paper. Listed references should be arranged as follows:

References for papers:
1. Gukalova I V, Lisovsky S A, Maruniak E A, Misevich K N, Rudenko L G and Ryashchenko S V, 2009. The quality of life in Ukraine and in Russia as a factor of socio-economic development. Geogr.Nat.Res. 30: 300-305
2. Chu S, Hollberg L, Bjorkholm J, Cable A and Ashkin A, 1985. Three-dimensional viscous confinement and cooling of atoms by resonant radiation pressure. Phys. Rev. Lett. 55: 48–51.
For the authors that refer to papers published in journals, translated into English by foreign publishing houses, the editorial board recommends to present these references as they appear in the English edition.

References for books and conference abstracts:
1. Born M. and Wolf E. Principles of optics. New York: Cambridge University Press (1999).
2. Danzmann K. Gravitational wave detectors on the Earth and in deep space. Australian Institute of Physics 16th Biennial Congress. Congress handbook and abstracts (2005) p.46.
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