Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics

2024 Volume 25, Issue 1

ISSN 1609-1833 (Print)


1,2J. Gradauskas, 1,2O. Masalskyi, 2S. Asmontas, 2A. Suziedelis, 2A. Rodin and 1,2I. Zharchenko

1Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio Avenue 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania,
2State Research Institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Sauletekio Avenue 3, 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania,


In photovoltaics, hot carriers are mainly considered as a workforce for efficient hot carrier solar cells or as a reason of unfavorable heating of classical solar cells. Here we present experimental evidence of the hot carrier photocurrent, i.e., the current induced across a p-n junction by the hot carriers before their thermalisation. Competition between two photocurrents, the hot carrier and the generation-caused, is highlighted through excitation intensity, wavelength, sample temperature and bias voltage. The adverse impact of the hot carrier effect on the successful operation of a single junction solar cell is demonstrated, suggesting the need to discuss it as a novel form of intrinsic loss mechanism.

Keywords: solar cell, p-n junction, photocurrent, hot carriers

UDC: 535.2, 537.3, 621.3

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    Ключові слова: сонячний елемент, p-n перехід, фотострум, гарячі носії

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