Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  3, Volume 5,  2004

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Spectral Characteristics of Hemoglobin Taken from the Blood of Rats Subjected to Durable Ethanol Intoxication
1,2Dudok K.P., 1Vlokh R., 1,3Vlokh I., 1Dudok T., 2Fedorovich A.M., 1,4Moroz O.M., 1,4Grinchishin N.M.

1Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov St., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine
2Biochemical Department, Lviv National University, 4 Hrushevsky St., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine 
3Department of Psychiatry, Psychology and Sexology, State Medical University, 69 Kulparkivska St., 79010 Lviv, Ukraine 
4State Medical University, Scientific Research Laboratory, 69 Pekarska St., 79010 Lviv, Ukraine

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We have studied the conformation state of the hemoglobin taken from the blood of laboratory rats of four generations that suffered durable ethanol intoxication. The rats have been intoxicated with adding 15% aqueous ethanol solution to their ration, instead of water. The colouring agents, Coomassi G-250 and Cibacron Blue F3G-A, have been used as probes. The obtained results show definite differences in the hemoglobin absorption spectral maxima for the control and intoxicated groups of animals. It has been found that the absorption band centred at the wavelength 566,8nm is available for the complexes Coomassi G-250?CNMetHb of the control group of rats. In case of the same complexes for the intoxicated rats, the maximum corresponds to the wavelength in range of 571.4?580.7nm. The Cibacron-MetHb complex is characterized with an intensive band at 624-628nm. It has been shown that intensification of hypo-chromic effect depends on the distance of ethanol-intoxicated (EI) posterity from their parents. The mechanisms for the appearance of new hemoglobin fraction in the EI rats’ generation have been discussed.

Key words: optical spectroscopy, alcohol intoxication, hemoglobin, methemoglobin, cyan-methemoglobin
PACS: 42.66.-p, 33.55.-b

doi 10.3116/16091833/5/3/104/2004

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