Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  4, Volume 4,  2003

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Baric Changes in the Optical Indicatrix of TGS Crystals with L-threonine Admixture  
1Kardash V., 2Romanyuk G., 2Brezvin R., 1Kurlyak V., 1Stadnyk V.

1Lviv Ivan Franko National University, 8 Kyrylo and Mefodiy Str., 79005, Lviv, Ukraine
2Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov Str., 79005, Lviv, Ukraine

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The influence of uniaxial mechanical stresses, applied along the principal crystal-physical axes, on the principal values of birefringence ?ni is studied for TGS crystals with 5% L-threonine admixture. It is revealed that ?ni are quite sensitive to the mechanical stresses. The baric coefficients dTc/dsm for the phase transition temperature appear to be less than those for the pure TGS. Temperature dependences and dispersion of the piezooptic coefficients are calculated. The jump-like changes in all of the piezooptic coefficients occurring at the Curie temperature in the doped crystals are explained with the contrib-utions of a secondary electrooptic effect.

Key words: birefringence, uniaxial pressure, phase transitions, piezooptic coefficients
PACS: 77.84.Jd, 42.81.Gs,78.20.Hp

doi 10.3116/16091833/4/4/173/2003

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