Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume  2, March  2001

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Raman scattering and optical absorption edge studies of CuInP2S6 and CuInP2(S0.95Se0.05)6 layered ferrielectrics 
Studenyak I.P. , Mitrovcij V.V., Stefanovich V.A., Kovacs Gy.Sh., Mykajlo O.A., Gurzan M.I., Vysochanski Yu.M.

Institute of Solid State Physics and Chemistry, Uzhgorod National University, 46 Pidhirna St., Uzhgorod 88000, Ukraine

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Raman scattering spectra at room temperatrure and optical absorption edge spectra in the temperatrure range 77-373 K in CuInÐ2(S0.95Se0.05)6 crystal are investigated. The comparative analyzis of the obtained spectra with the similar spectra for pure CuInÐ2S6 crystal is performed. The anionic substitution of S atoms by Se results in the red shift of the Urbach absorption edge, its additional smearing and sharp decrease of the ferrielectric phase transition.

Key words: ferrielectric; phase transition; Raman scattering; Urbach absorption edge

doi 10.3116/16091833/2/1/26/2001

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